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Jeddeius' Personal Website

Polymath and Philomath at humanity's service!

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What is this website all about?

The purpose of this website is to showcase my coding and programming skills.

About me

Selfie Picture of Jeddeius
Hello! I'm Jeddeius 'Jedd' Matthew J. Tolentino

My Beliefs

In this world with endless problems, we despise solving problems because of human nature, we seek for comfort rather than hardship. However, it came to my reflection and realization that the perception of the society towards problem and solving them has lead to a gradual progression of depression, apathy, and narrow source of happiness for the majority of the population. But the true beauty of life comes down to solving endless problems. Without problems, life as we know it, would be purposeless, the world, proven by physics, the world and our lives will always contain inequality, if life doesn't have problem, then everything is condense into one, everything is one and equal, which violates the phenomenon. Despising problem and solving them would only lead to pain, suffering, and death. Our happiness will be limited to results and solve problems, which is never the case, we should live the moment of solving the problem, feel the moment and experience, and enjoy the process, and that is life, it's about enjoying the process, not just the product of it, but this process should sustain itself, maintain and improve itself, and that's the essence of problem solving, in solving problem, we gain more strength and time to continue solving these endless problems til exhaustion or death.

This concept is very hard to grasp and understand, even I don't fully understand it, but It's in my head, waiting to be shared with others, so that humanity will live not in depression and desperation, but with prosperity and happiness. I'm still finding ways to refine it, so that I can explain it to my fellow humans what did I discovered and reflected upon

There are many people, chasing for happiness, thinking it is something that is achieved, but happiness is rather experienced, and to continue experience it, it should sustain itself. I want people to experience the realization and revelation I reflected upon. In solving problem, I gain strength to solve problems further, and when this cycle repeats, then there is life, because it's continuos and shows lack of entropy, and when we live in the moment, the experience, the process of solving problems, then we become happy, content, and fulfilled. This is life the world desire so much! And ladies and gentlemen, I think I figure out the essence of life!

This is just the tip of the iceberg!

My Vision

I desire a life where I do what I love that contributes to the continuation of humanity and life itself and prosperity of the humanity, in a very broad term, solving endless problem till death. Breaking it down, I want to create things that contributes to overall goodness of humanity, learn and discover things, and teach them to the world. Earn and improve various skills and knowledge. Create relationships and connections, why? I can't deny that I'm a human, a very social creature. With the knowledge and skills I gained, I want to solve various problems that matter to the world and also to contribute to solving a massive problem, because even a small contribution is a part of an overall force or mass. I want to be a well rounded person

I kind of want to be a father of preferably fraternal twins

My Mission

Continuously maintain and improve myself, particularly my skills, knowledge, health, and my personality over an efficient but reasonable amount of time. Become a functioning member of the society. Become likeable to people and have a great social skills

Achievements and skills


This section provides a list of hyperlinks to my various projects